Body Donation after death,Body Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered body donation organisation in Delhi NCR,Organ Donation after death,Organ Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered Organ donation organisation in Delhi NCR,Skin Donation,Skin Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered Skin donation organisation in Delhi NCR
Body Donation after death,Body Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered body donation organisation in Delhi NCR,Organ Donation after death,Organ Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered Organ donation organisation in Delhi NCR,Skin Donation,Skin Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered Skin donation organisation in Delhi NCR Body Donation after death,Body Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered body donation organisation in Delhi NCR,Organ Donation after death,Organ Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered Organ donation organisation in Delhi NCR,Skin Donation,Skin Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered Skin donation organisation in Delhi NCR Body Donation after death,Body Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered body donation organisation in Delhi NCR,Organ Donation after death,Organ Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered Organ donation organisation in Delhi NCR,Skin Donation,Skin Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered Skin donation organisation in Delhi NCR Body Donation after death,Body Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered body donation organisation in Delhi NCR,Organ Donation after death,Organ Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered Organ donation organisation in Delhi NCR,Skin Donation,Skin Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered Skin donation organisation in Delhi NCR Body Donation after death,Body Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered body donation organisation in Delhi NCR,Organ Donation after death,Organ Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered Organ donation organisation in Delhi NCR,Skin Donation,Skin Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered Skin donation organisation in Delhi NCR Body Donation after death,Body Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered body donation organisation in Delhi NCR,Organ Donation after death,Organ Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered Organ donation organisation in Delhi NCR,Skin Donation,Skin Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered Skin donation organisation in Delhi NCR
Body Donation after death,Body Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered body donation organisation in Delhi NCR,Organ Donation after death,Organ Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered Organ donation organisation in Delhi NCR,Skin Donation,Skin Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered Skin donation organisation in Delhi NCR

Patron's Message

Around 30 years back, I had an opportunity to visit the Anatomy Department of the Government Medical college, Amritsar. There I noticed the preserved skeleton of the Ex- Head of Anatomy department in the Glass Box. On my inquiry, I learnt that he had donated his body, after his death, for the medical students to study the human anatomy. On returning to Delhi I came to know that the subject of Anatomy in medical colleges is taught on a dead body (cadaver) to understand the structure of Human body. But there is an acute scarcity of the cadavers ... More

Body Donation after death,Body Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered body donation organisation in Delhi NCR,Organ Donation after death,Organ Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered Organ donation organisation in Delhi NCR,Skin Donation,Skin Donation,Deh Dan,Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti, Registered Skin donation organisation in Delhi NCR

Bimonthly Journal

Honor Roll
Total Donation :


EYESश्रीमती नरेन्द्र कौर
फरवरी 2024
BODYश्री बुद्धदेव गुप्ता
24 फरवरी 2024
EYEYSश्री देवी दयाल कालरा
फरवरी 2024
BODYश्रीमती लाजवंती
15 फरवरी 2024
EYESश्रीमती विमला देवी
13 फरवरी 2023
The personal & political in making body donations
Skin Donation, a life-saving act
Remembering Jyotiraditya Khanna
शुभ समाचार ! देह दान में भारत ने बनाया नया रिकॉर्ड
प्रेरणा की नदी हेमा जौली
Emerging role of Robot in Renal Transplant Surgery
India's First Transplant Sports Event in Kerala
अंग प्रत्यारोपण, आवश्यकता एवं समस्याएं
Body Donation & the Success of Medical Education
India's Deceased Donor Transplantation Program
Evolution of Surgical Instruments and Procedures in Ayurveda and Role of Cadavers...
सबके लिए प्रेरणा है निकोलस ग्रीन की कहानी
देहदान महायात्रा के 25 वर्ष... 25 मोती!
Joy Of Giving
Donating Life After Death
3D Bionic Eye: Towards the Dream of an Artificial Eye!!
Donating Life After Death
प्रकृति के पास सेहत का राज
नवदधीच: मरने की कला से, जीवन जीना सिखा गए
कोरोना नहीं मानवता ही जीतेगी
Healthy Immune System Outline
Doctor & Patient, A ‘Pious Relationship’
Tips for staying positive in the pandamic
Sunshine among the clouds: ‘Oxygen langars’
वर्तमान परिस्थिति में जितना हो सके, उतनी सहायता अवश्य करें
कोई भूखा नहीं सोएगा-  शिरडी साईं रसोई
सकारात्मक सोच - आज की आवश्यकता
सकारात्मक सोच - Positive Attitude
Organ donation of Jash Oja: Little boy inspires millions!!
Blood & Bone marrow transplantation in India: Past, present & future
देहदान : गुरबाणी के परिप्रेक्ष्य में
Healthy Immune System Outline
स्वस्थ व सबल भारत का आधार - आयुर्वेद का प्राचीन ज्ञान विज्ञान
Gift A New Life - Donate Skin
Green Corridor
स्वस्थवृत्त - आज के युग में
Plasma Donation: Corona Patients can be Corona Warriors
आदि शंकराचार्य जयंती और कोरोना संकट
भाई लक्ष्मण देव - हिन्दू संस्कृति के प्रतीक व धनी प्रतिभा के स्वामी
सौन्दर्य-धैर्य-शक्ति-ज्ञान-सम्पादन-क्षमा का पर्याय देशप्रेम की भट्टी में तपी कुंदन सी मेरी माँ पंडिता राकेश रानी !
अम्मा, पंडिता राकेश रानी
COVID-19 Pandemic: Is there a silver lining in the clouds
ई-जर्नल के 31वें अंक का विमोचन
श्रद्धांजलि सभा - एक अनुभव
Bone Bank (Donate Bones, Save Limbs)
Organ donation: The silver lining of road accidents
गुरु नानक देव जी के 550 वे प्रकाशोत्सव की सीख
Bone Donation After Death or in Comatosed Individuals
World Disability Day: Let’s celebrate the courage of disabled persons!!’
Important Section of Society: Specially Challenged
Cadaveric Oath
Param Vir Chakra- The Highest Gallantry Award
Youth and Organ Donation
Life & Beyond : Bone Marrow and Tissue Transplant
Organ Donation: Challenges from Indian Perspective
दधीचि एक विचार, एक ध्येय, एक दर्शन !
Awareness For Organ Donation: Youth, The Change Maker
इंदौर प्रवास में दधीचि परंपरा बढ़ा रहे सज्जनों से भेंट
नरु मरै नरु कामि न आवै, पसू मरै दस काज सवारै
"देहदान" - भगवान अटलानी(लेखक)
Current Status of Robotics in Renal Transplantation
Organ Donation: Fulfilling the will
असम्भव से सम्भव की ओर
एक अन्तिम समर्पण
Pancreas Transplantation in India
Organ donation in Hinduism
Laws & Rules Governing Organ Transplantation in India
Organ Donation - Opt in / Opt Out ?
Issues and Organ Donation Scenario in Our Country
Organ donation - One of the Noblest Gift a Human can Give
Anatomy as a Basic Medical Subject & Importance of Body Donation
देह दानियों का उत्सव- एक परिकल्पना या आवश्यकता
Infant Organ Donation: Much needs to be done!!
Bone Banks & Bone Donation
Kidney Transplant In India: S.W.O.T. Analysis
Spotting & Preventing Organ Trading
Be Indians, Be Donors: An interview with Dr. S. K. Sarin
अंतिम संस्कार और पर्यावरण
Asia’s First Successful Double Hand Transplant!
Organ Harvesting a Bigger Battle than Donation
Bringing Light to Life.
The Human Milk Bank
स्कूली छात्राओं ने केश दान किए
First DCD of liver in India: A new lease of life for patients’
3D Printed Organs as Easy to make as an Iphone
Sports after Organ Transplantation: Fit for life!!
Bone Marrow Transplant
Mom carrying baby without brain to term - to donate the organs
New Life for Iraqi Girl with German Donor’s Stem Cells
Rare Intestine Transplant at Govt Hospital Saves Life
Science Helps Woman Heal, Social Media Scripts Fightback
Experience & Expressions Of 1st Year Medical Student
Medical Undergraduate Student's Interaction with a Donor Family
Cadaveric Research and Training facility (CTRF)
Life After Death - Precious Human Organs
Skin Donation
Mumbai Lawyer Allowed to Jump Queue for Bro's Kidney
Body, Organ & Tissue Donation
India's Organ Deficiency: How Struggle For Second Chance At Life Gets Extremely Difficult
Allocation Criteria For Deceased Donor Kidney Transplant Draft Guideline
Eye Donation
सबसे महान दान ‘अंग-दान ’
परोपकार की स्वाभाविक प्रक्रिया अंग व देह दान
उस्मानिया में पहला यकृत प्रत्यारोपण
World's First Kidney Transplant University in Ahmedabad
Donated kidneys that are discarded may soon be "recycled"
Organ Donation Give Life to Lives
स्वस्थ्य सबल भारत गोष्ठी
Transplants : Indians to get preference over foreigners
Fetal Donation: Medical Perspective
Organ donation helps man get back forearm
The Heart Transplant Program in India .. the direction & future
Organ Donation and Transplant Coordinator
Commemorative stamp on liver transplant
Organ / Tissue and Bone Marrow Donation in India
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